Tuesday 28 April 2015

A Wall

The poem describes a place in the countryside where a wall is, it is used by sheep as a shelter and has become part of nature overtime.

The wall is about faith and beliefs but is also about searching for a purpose and reason.

- 'you won't find it' meaning out of context, it means nothing to us.
- 'high as your eyes' simile.
- ' it begins for no reason, ends no place' pointless, purpose out of context or out of place
- 'seemingly unremarkable' the man made structure's original purpose has been lost, could also suggest that its significance has been lost too.
- 'it exists for golden lichens to settle' it has become a habitat.
- 'for huddling sheep in a slanting rainfall' the wall has found its purpose, and understands that it is now part of the landscape.

The first stanza describes an irrelevant and quite boring, lonely wall. Whereas the second stanza states that the beautiful, purposeful things go unrecognized in life.

Links to Larkin: 
- Nothing to be Said - pointlessness
- First Sight - uniqueness, hope and faith.

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